Sunday, December 27, 2009
Some Research Backing THC and crohn's colitis?
Just wanted to say thanks to Pat for emailing me this article. Shows how some other educated people are realizing the healing principles of this plant and how it can put the body back into a homeostasis state :)
Cannabis for Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease treatment
17. December 2009 04:15
Chemicals found in cannabis could prove an effective treatment for the inflammatory bowel diseases Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease, say scientists.
Laboratory tests have shown that two compounds found in the cannabis plant - the cannabinoids THC and cannabidiol - interact with the body's system that controls gut function.
Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, which affect about one in every 250 people in Northern Europe, are caused by both genetic and environmental factors. The researchers believe that a genetic susceptibility coupled with other triggers, such as diet, stress or bacterial imbalance, leads to a defective immune response.
Dr Karen Wright, Peel Trust Lecturer in Biomedicine at Lancaster University, will be presenting her soon-to-be published work at The British Pharmacological Society's Winter Meeting in London today (Thursday).
She said: "The lining of the intestines provides a barrier against the contents of the gut but in people with Crohn's Disease this barrier leaks and bacteria can escape into the intestinal tissue leading to an inappropriate immune response.
"If we could find a way to restore barrier integrity in patients we may be able to curb the inflammatory immune response that causes these chronic conditions."
Dr Wright, working with colleagues at the School of Graduate Entry Medicine and Health in Derby, has shown that cells that react to cannabinoid compounds play an important role in normal gut function as well as the immune system's inflammatory response.
"The body produces its own cannabinoid molecules, called endocannabinoids, which we have shown increase the permeability of the epithelium during inflammation, implying that overproduction may be detrimental," said Dr Wright.
"However, we were able to reverse this process using plant-derived cannabinoids, which appeared to allow the epithelial cells to form tighter bonds with each other and restore the membrane barrier."
The research was carried out using cell cultures in a dish but, interestingly, when the team attempted to mimic the conditions of the gut by reducing the amount of oxygen in the cells' environment, much lower concentrations of cannabinoid were needed to produce the same effect.
Dr Wright added: "What is also encouraging is that while THC has psychoactive properties and is responsible for the 'high' people experience when using cannabis, cannabidiol, which has also proved effective in restoring membrane integrity, does not possess such properties."
The British Pharmacological Society (BPS) - the primary UK learned society concerned with research into drugs and the way they work - is hosting its annual Winter Meeting in London, attracting experts from across the world.
The three-day conference, running from 15 to 17 December 2009, will hear presentations on the latest pharmacological developments to tackle a range of conditions and diseases.
Source Lancaster University
Saturday, November 14, 2009
GREAT NEWS!!!! Jini Patel giving some awesome protocols for no cost

I just spoke with Jini Patel and she advised me that she is now providing her 2 Main protocols for free including Probiotic Retention Enema and the Oil of Oregano Protocol. Go to the link below and get these protocols for free and you will see why this chick has cured herself and helped many people along the way. This is an Awesome value! Jini was the real person who woke me up and made me realize if I wanted to overcome this disease I would have to step outside my box and try things out, Thank GOD! because I live a life better than I could have ever imagined. You ROCK woman :)
WATCH- the video below to listen to my experience doing Jini Probiotic Retention Enema
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
6 Diabetes Patients Cured their Condition in 30 Days!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Vitamin D3 Help with Crohns??
Hi everyone I spoke with this guy named Mike who has taken higher doses of Vitamin D3and he said it has drastically improved his health drastically. I would like to hear from anyone who decides to try this out. I would also suggest you watch this video as this doctor does a great job at talking about Vitamin D and somethings you should do when taking it etc. If you guys have any questions for Mike his email is below so feel free to drop him a line.
Hi, its Mike from Nevada I want to say I was so sick from Crohns for almost 20 years, bleeding, couldn't leave the house because it was so bad. I read somewhere Vitamin D3 mighthelp, so I startedtaking it at 2000 iu a day then to 10000 iu a day. Its been about 3weeks now and everythingstopped, I feel better than I did as a kid. If you do take the higherdoses of D3 many doctors sayyou must check your blood levels so you don't overdose. Give It ashot its under 5 bucks at most anygrocery store and let me know.
Monday, September 21, 2009

JINI on September-8-09
The next time your doctor suggests you have another colonoscopy done, first take the time to really weigh up the risks versus the possible benefits. Did you know it is impossible to sterilize a colonoscope? Don’t be surprised if even your doctor doesn’t know this. I’ve provided a download link for this full report (below) that you can print out and take in to your doctor – with all the research (from peer-reviewed medical publications) outlined.
So, let’s get started. First of all, this report is going to outline only the most prevalent risks that are present with every colonoscopy. I’m not going to get into rare risks here, like intestinal perforation, just those that may occur through routine procedures.
Regarding possible benefits, the first question you should ask yourself and your doctor is: Will the results of this colonoscopy change the course of treatment? Certainly, there are serious occasions where the best course of action is to have the colonoscopy. But, if your doctor is primarily recommending a colonoscopy as an information-gathering procedure, or as liability protection, then it’s not going to benefit you too much. It may, however, cause a lot of damage and that’s what this report is going to help you assess.
Here’s how a colonoscopy procedure works: First, you have to self-administer a ‘bowel preparation’ procedure. This consists of substances that cause you to completely clear out your bowel and leave the walls of your colon squeaky clean so the fiber optic camera can get a good picture of what’s happening with your mucosal lining and intestinal wall. Understandably, causing a complete clear out of everything from your bowels (usually over a one to three day period) is not pleasant, usually toxic and sometimes painful and traumatic.
Colonoscopies Destroy Bacterial Flora
But the really damaging thing about this kind of a colon cleansing is that it pretty much destroys your bacterial flora and balance of microorganisms in your colon. The average colon contains 3 – 4 pounds of bacteria. If you’re healthy, most of that consists of good, healthy bacteria. So the colonoscopy prep procedure has just stripped your colon of its good, protective bacteria. And guess what? Your colon is now wide open to secondary, or opportunistic infection by pathogenic bacteria, yeast, viruses, parasites, etc.
Into this now highly vulnerable colon, the doctor then inserts a colonoscope. This is a long tube that closely resembles a garden hose with a fiber optic camera on the end of it. But here’s what most people (including your own doctor) don’t know about colonoscopes: It’s impossible to properly or completely sterilize them.
Colonoscopes & Endoscopes Cannot Be Sterilized
It was actually Natasha Trenev (the founder of Natren probiotics) who first alerted me to this whole issue. We were on a TV show together when she told a story of how the Mayo Clinic had sent out letters to all its patients who’d had a colonoscopy – warning them that due to the inability to sterilize the apparatus, the patient might have been exposed to Hepatitis, AIDS, etc. I was aghast. Could this really be true? I began researching mainstream medical and scientific journals for evidence and I’m sure you’ll be as horrified as I was at the results.
But before we get into the technical medical jargon, let’s take a look at this newspaper article from the LA Times, where the reporter covered this exact issue:
UNSTERILE DEVICES PROMPT WARNINGS; Use of dirty endoscopes in colon and throat exams can pass along infections, activists say
- By John M. Glionna. The Los Angeles Times. Feb 13, 2003. pg. B.1
The nation’s leading manufacturer of endoscopes has known for a decade that some scopes contain cavities inaccessible to cleaning by hand but has failed to fix the oversight, said David Lewis, a University of Georgia research microbiologist who has conducted research for the federal Environmental Protection Agency on the issue of dirty endoscopes.
There is wide consensus that it is difficult to sterilize the devices, which can cost $28,000 each, without using temperatures so high that the scopes themselves become damaged. The scopes have numerous cavities that are difficult to clean, even by hand, critics say.
Acknowledged Timothy Ulatowski, an FDA official who oversees endoscope compliance: “When these things were designed, cleaning and sterilization was obviously an afterthought.”
Even the government can’t agree on how long is needed to clean the devices. The FDA says endoscopes should be disinfected for 45 minutes to kill tuberculosis bacteria, but the Centers for Disease Control believes the job can be done in 20 minutes, Lewis says.
He and other microbiologists advocate sterile disposable parts for endoscopes as well as the use of a condom-like sheath for each new patient. But they say manufacturers and health-care providers have resisted such solutions because of added costs.
Lewis says Olympus, which provides 70% of endoscopes on the U.S. market, has long been aware of cleaning problems associated with its product. In a patent filed in 1993, he says, the company wrote that at times “satisfactory cleaning cannot be achieved.”
You can read this newspaper article in full at:
also if you are interested any more about this topic or are curious to learn moe about Jini's protocols and her story you can acess her info here
*Also her book is on sale almost 50% off from when I got it and it was 70.00 or more so for anyone looking for a great guide to overcoming IBD's it is worth the read. I am trying to push her book and I am upfront about that as she is one person who has mastered overcoming these diseases
Friday, September 4, 2009
I have a mentor who told me to do an excercise that your write your own obituary. I know this may sound weird but he said I should write my life the way I want to live and the way I want to be remembered and that this paper will help me a lot in getting to where I want to be. How can you know where you are going in life unless you know what is really important to you etc. So here is what I wrote and I actually had a lot of fun doing this. So after reading this give it a shot. I know it has nothing to do with my HEALTH blogging but I feel that anyone can benefit from such a thing.
Jay Anthony Baluk 1982-2056
Jay Anthony Baluk passed away suddenly at the age of 74 as he was caught in bed with a beautiful 24 year old swimsuit model by her crazy husband and his wife lol
Jay was born in Winnipeg Canada and was raised in the north end by a single parent mother who tried her best. They never had lots of money but always got by. Although the odds were not in his favor he overcame all the barricades that were put in his path. He used his own fear as a tool to fuel his desire to achieve the things that were most important to him. He always knew he wanted more than he had growing up, wanted a better family life for his family, and wanted a great relationship with his wife. He lived every day to the max as he realized life way to short to hold off on the things he wanted. He was a successful business man and real estate tycoon who always was intrigued by new business opportunities. Jay was an adventurous risk taker and was never scared to put himself out there whether he was; skydiving, bungee jumping, base jumping, swimming in a hurricane, or salsa dancing with his two left feet. He was very passionate about traveling and enjoyed seeing all the beauties of the world, but most of all he loved the white tranquil beaches of the Caribbean. He was a passionate philanthropist who believed strongly that it was important and his duty to give back to the people who need it. Jay owned a very popular website to help people overcome diseases using methods that have worked for many others. Through this site jay helped many people live better lives than they ever imagined. He also showed these people how important it was to pay it forward as it was the right thing to do and it was indeed their responsibility. Jay created a scholarship program for north end students which was not for only people who got the highest marks but for people who beat the odds and did the best with what their situation permitted as he believed you could stimulate this person and they could achieve great things. He also believed that giving is not just about financial contribution but becoming involved at a hands on level. This is why he started a mentor program where he would mentor business students showing them how to achieve what they wanted in life, both financially and in other areas of their life. Most of all Jay was a great father always putting his family and their interests at the front of his priorities. He was involved with them whether it was attending sports practices or dance rehearsals. He had old fashion values in that a family that eats together stays together. Therefore whether his kids knew it then, they were now grateful they spent so much time together and they were closer because of it. He loved his wife more than anything as she was his best friend and partner in crime meaning they always did adventurous things together. I'm surprised she put up with him all these years, but the truth is that they complimented one another greatly. Jay was a person who came from nothing and achieved great things in all areas of his life. He was the type of person who inspired you and got you excited about taking a chance. A person who was the life of the party always giving you a laugh, but was also there to listen when you needed someone to talk to. He was a person that thought what he could do for you before he thought what you could do for him. A person who through his life has exemplified that life is way too short and it is up to you what you do with it. Jay is a person that will always be remembered for being a goofball and always trying to bring smiles to others. Wherever he is I know he is having a blast and making the best of his situation.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
The Reason Most People Don’t Go the Distance (overcoming their diseases)

Over the last few months I have been thinking a lot about why most people are unable to overcome their IBDs as they tell me they have tried so many protocol and nothing has worked.
I remember when I first started SCD diet (which I am no longer on, as I am able to eat what I want now) I thought I would only do the diet partially. I found that my health did noticeably improve, but when I consumed too many illegal ingredients I started to feel like crap again. I decided I would try the diet 100% and wow!!! I started to get so much better and was med free and virtually symptom free as long as I followed SCD strictly. I will be upfront when I say SCD is great but it is not the way to completely overcome an IBD as I believe this is a symptom management tool as soon as you consume illegals you get sick again-I do not have this issue as I stepped out of the SCD BOX and tried some new things. Do not get me wrong I am greatly appreciative to the diet as it was the first phase in my healing story (you can check this out on my website
This lesson taught me a lot though
When someone gives you a recipe for a cake or some type of desert you follow it and you usually get a great tasting desert. If you decided to leave even 1 key ingredient your results may be completely different and have a bad tasting or funny looking cake…do you not agree? So when it comes to health why do we not use the same approach? I will be the first to admit that I was one of those people who thought I could try something half ass and get the same results as the people doing the program 100% and when I caught on to this BOY did I get better.
An Example
After reading Jini Patel’s book “Listen to Your Gut” and speaking with her and Nicole a few times I followed their advice doing the pro-biotic enema, Georges aloe Vera juice, and the Natren pro-biotics (I did not do everything in the book as I was more advance in my healing than many other IBD patients due to being on SCD for 9 months previous) after doing the stuff the mentioned I felt Awesome! At first I only tried the Natren products and the aloe Vera juice as I was scared to do the enema and I felt good but not awesome. After my flare in Hawaii due to overdoing sugar on massive levels I had no choice to do the enema as I was stuck in a flare for almost 2 weeks straight and the Enema took me out of the flare in 1 day!! Yes it is crazy. It also made feel even better than I did prior to the flare…….If I would have done this in the beginning after they advised me to I would probably never have had the flare in the first place.
I now know when someone gives me advice in any matter of life and they have the results that I am looking for that I will take their advice and follow it exactly as I want the results to be similar. I know people may say all IBD’s are different or any medical condition but for almost all situations in life this principle is very consistent = Follow the recipe from provided by someone who has the results you are looking for and you will most likely get similar results.
You would not ask a fat dude how to loose weight, a poor guy for financial advice, or marriage advice or insight from a person who is divorced or unhappy, and most important medical advice from an unhealthy person who does not have the results you are looking for. This is food for thought but really think about it for a few days.
If you are interested to learn more about modeling take a look a Anthony Robbins book “Unlimited Power”. I will tell you from experience change our thinking and you will change your life.
You think it is a coincidence that most people are not financially wealthy? Completely happy with their lives-relationships, physical health of their body, able to overcome an incurable disease, become a pro athlete or many other things which you have to pursue and chase????
The truth is that most people are not willing to put in the time and hard work to get these things in life and until they do they will never get them as the will continue to talk about how good it would be to have this, do this, and experience this as if they are pipe dreams which will never come true. I was one of the people before and I remember how I use to talk myself down or discourage myself before I even attempted something and I am sure that I am not the only person who has experienced this. …………or am I? I can also tell you once I was finally able to wake up and realize the only way I was going to get what I want in all aspects of life is if I pursued them until I got the results I was looking for. Yes I probably hit many dead ends along the way but I am getting there more and more every day.
You may think that I sound cocky and arrogant and to tell you the truth I hope this does piss some people off and leave you thinking that guy is WRONG about me and I am going to prove him wrong and grab my dreams regardless of what they are by the balls and pursue them with all of your heart and energy. You will prove me wrong and you will get so much more than you can imagine…………............
Heres a great saying which means a lot to me as It is so easier to go with the grain than go against it when you know something is wrong or needs to be said etc.
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy” Martin Luther King Jr
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

If you follow my BLOG you can see that I wrote about THC the first time in March 2009 and you can review that post using this link after watching the video on and speaking with Rick Simpson personally I decided I would try this oil for myself I was able to track some of this oil and have done 2 tubes of this stuff since March and WOW!!! Initially when I started taking the stuff it made me super tired and high as a kite which I am not really a fan of being baked as I get a crazy body high and I am unable to function. I changed the time I took the oil to 1 hr before bedtime and when I woke up I felt no high effects except maybe an hour or so of cloudiness if I slept less than 8 hours. I could feel crazy changes going on in my body they felt weird but not bad by any means. This oil makes your body sleep so that you can rest and I think it makes your body return to a homeostasis state. It is now June 17, 2009 and I have been eating almost anything I want for the last 2 months with no issues. If you read below you will see that initially I binged a little too much and noticed I felt tired and a little crappy but no flares etc so I have been eating a healthy diet of mostly organic during the week then treating myself on weekends as life is too short to not enjoy some of the better things in life yes burgers, dairy free gelatti, French fries, some fresh bread etc. All the other stuff I have been doing has helped me so much meaning I was med free and virtually symptom free but as soon as I strayed away from SCD for a few days I seemed to get really sick again which showed me that I was only managing the disease and that is no longer the case as I am able to eat what I want. Please also make sure to download my IBD improvement document as it will show you all the stuff which I have done to overcome this disease and things that I believe will allow me to live a healthy life without Crohns/Colitis screwing it up for me.
For most people this will be out of your comfort box due to the legal issues etc but I will tell you from the bottom of my heart this stuff really works and I urge anyone to at least watch the video mentioned on Rick Simpson’s website and weigh out the pros and cons. Also ask yourself why would this guy do all this work to spread the word about this stuff and he has no ads on his site or anything that produces income. He only wants to inform people there is a cure for many disease and wants to educate people how to make their own medicine. Whether it be cancer, tumor, or Crohn’s disease I believe in my heart that this stuff can be the answer you are looking for. I have done a few tubes of this stuff and it has changed my life.
DON’T SCREW UP YOUR SECOND CHANCE-I know most people will be like I was when they overcome this disease……….thinking I can’t wait to return to a “normal” diet again I was one of those people but I will tell you know people WAKE UP and think twice!!!!! I made the mistake of binging the first few weeks I was able to eat almost any food I chose and I started to feel crappy again so I changed my approach. During the week Monday-Friday (evng) I try to only consume organic fruits, vegetables, and small quantities of meat, I do have the odd cheat during the week but try to eat as healthy as possible. When the weekend comes I enjoy it and have cheats in moderation such as hamburger, toast, cookies, dairy free gelatti etc almost everything besides milk products, yes alcohol but not excessive amounts. I can tell you once you get sick and almost all foods upset you when you are finally able to eat some of those foods again they will taste better than you can imagine. Life is way too short to keep yourself from the good tasting things all the time……….at least that is my opinion. The truth is we are all looking for the same result (overcome our IBD’s and get our life back) so lets think outside the box and try something different rather than operations and drugs that hurt us more than help us.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Enzymes WORK

For the past few weeks I have been taking full spectrum digestive aid enzymes from AVENA and they have helped me greatly. When I was first starting my so called healing journey I was very confused by the enzyme discussions as they always seemed to contradict each other. With sooo much information thrown at you especially on the net it is so hard to determine which source is giving your correct information. I think it is important to think realistically! Look at some of the healthiest people you meet and see what they do? I am a blunt guy and I tell people what works for me based on other people’s advice. I will be the first to admit that I make so many mistakes…….but I only publish the stuff that has worked for me and other people. If you think about it the most successful people in almost all aspects of life are people who have mode the MOST mistakes but learn from them and continue on…really think about it?
There is a gynecologist who works out at my gym and he is almost 60 and the dude looks like he is 35, no lies. His skin looks so healthy, has a full head of hair, seems to have lots of energy, muscular build, and looks like he is overall very healthy. When it comes to health I prefer to take advise which comes from someone is leads by example or is evident they practice their preach. I started asking the guy some of the things he does to remain healthy and he told me the enzymes were one of the main things. This doctor told me that he was believed very passionately in the medical system until he was diagnosed with terminal cancer and he was given a few months to live according to the medical system and that left him depressed. He started to research other alternatives and he found a zapper or some sort and was able to get rid of the tumor and is still alive to this day. That is when he started believing in other health alternatives, lifestyle/diet changes etc and he is a living example of how any person would want to look and feel at almost 60 years of age.
I have wondered off topic so here is the Low Down on my Enzyme experience and research etc.
I will be upfront from the beginning when saying I now believe enzymes are crucial and very much needed in today modern society. Most of the fruit and vegetables we consume from the grocery store or organic market are usually almost 7-10 days old or more. (from the time they were packaged until someone purchased them) Enzymes die within a few days of being harvested which means that most the enzymes will be dead long before we consume them. You also kill all enzymes when you heat food above 48 Celsius so most of the food you are consuming is enzyme deficient. Enzymes are important because they help your body break down the food and digest it and without it much of your food will go undigested. Anyone with an IBD will know that the food that gets undigested feeds that bad bacteria in the gut NOT GOOD! Do your own research and you will see, but more importantly look for health people and see what they do. Also consider reading a book called “The Enzyme Factor” by Hiromi Shinya a Japanese doctor MD who is the man who created the colonoscopy and has done and supervised over 200,000 procedures. This guy knows what a healthy person’s colon looks like compared to an unhealthy person, he also states that all unhealthy people suffering from diseases and other illnesses almost always have unhealthy colons……what a coincidence YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! He also speaks about diet and the importance of enzymes in the body so give the book a read if you get a chance.
I started the enzymes like 3 weeks ago and I have noticed some great things! I have noticed after meals I am noticing almost no gas or bloating, bowel movements are well formed with no undigested food particles like before use of the enzymes. More energy noticed as stomach using less effort to digest the food. They have made me feel very good and I believe passionately that these things will improve your digestion. Even if you eat all organic or garden grown fruits and vegetables you have to take some things into consideration; where are the vegetables from geographically? If more than a few days the enzymes will most likely be dead, if the soil is deficient and this is USUALLY the case then the fruits and vegetable will also be deficient in vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, if you cook your food like most the people in North America you are killing the enzymes so another reason to consider taking them.
I have been taking a full spectrum enzyme made by Avena which were recommended to me by the doctor I mentioned early so I can only comment on the enzymes I have tried as I am unfamiliar with the other brands. If you ask a Millionaire how to get rich and he tells you his so called recipe and which ingredients to use Im sure most people will try to use the exact ingredients to get the exact result. This product has worked great for me and I would encourage anyone to give it a try.
One thing that does suck about starting these health products, vitamins, eating organic foods etc is that it sure can get expensive. I have realized that we as a society are always willing to drop cash on expensive materialistic items such as new cars, flat panel televisions, nice cars, houses, expensive trips to Vegas and the Caribbean- Yet we cheap it out on our health!!!! We are always looking to buy the cheapest food, cheapest vitamins as it seems like we have our priorities BackWArds!!! How can we enjoy all of those materialistic items if we are dead?? It is not a coincidence that in the last 50 years more people have died from cancer and other diseases than ever before, we need to change it up. The truth or cure to most of these diseases and illnesses is to Change our lifestyles and we will get our health back.
I know of all of this first hand as I was the guy who cared more about materialistic items than I did about my health, also the guy who abused his body regularly by consuming large quantities of alcohol, doing drugs, and eating fast food almost every day I was the perfect candidate for Crohn’s disease or any disease as a matter of fact. I created my site and the blog to help some other people learn from my mistakes and to help other get their health back so they can do great things and pay it forward.
here is a link directly to the products which I buy and I do not make any comission of any of these sales strictly referral only.
Thanks for tuning in
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Today I watched a dvd called "Food Matters" and WOW this video was simply amazing and a crazy eye opener. I recommend anyone who is looking to regain their health back from almost any type of disease PLEASE go watch this video.
The people who created this educational video did such an awesome job at showing what the problem is with our current health care system, how to overcome many diseases etc. This stuff is so easy it is crazy!!! So please check out their movie you can probably get it at your local video store or you can goto this site and purchase it at the link below
The choice to buy this video or track it down is yours but GO GET THIS VIDEO regardless. If you can absorb this info and make some changes in your life you and everyone in your life will be grateful.
From this video I got this awesome quote "Good health makes lots of cents BUT not a lot of dollars" really open your mind and think about this!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
No Crohn's Disease Cure?

I launched my site, blog, facebook group etc in October 2008 and I have been overwhelmed with the responses so far. Most the responses to my material are almost always positive and inspiring but I wanted to take some time to talk about the people who send me comments, emails etc which aren't so friendly lol.
yesterday I read a comment on one of my YouTube videos and the person actually stated "I want to make this clear to some people, as this video is a little bit deceptive: THERE IS NO CURE FOR CROHN'S DISEASE AND/OR ULCERATIVE COLITIS!" After reading this I thought to myself REALLY!! I think it is so sad that people really go out of there way to make a comment like this. WOW I remember when I was sick reading THERE IS NO CURE sure gave me about you? When I had this mentatlity I just stayed sick and did not seem to improve. When I finally thought what if there was a cure? I searched for people who said they were cured or med free. I started to find many people who were healed or "cured" whatever lets say sustained remission of 10+ years etc I said to myself if these people can do it that I think I might be able to as well. I started speaking with as many med free IBDers as I could and I started to implement various things into my lifesyle. Within a few months I was feeling really good and at 1 year I felt KICK ASS!! Sure I had some ups and downs while I was experimenting but thats part of the process. If I kept that mentality that plagued my brain in the beginning there is NO CURE I would chained next to the can with a chapped anus :)
I know "they" say there is no cure. I guess if the FDA made a written statement saying there was a cure everyone would now believe there was a cure. Unfortunately things are not always as they seem and sometimes you have to read between the lines. At one point the world was flat.........was it not? and the genteleman who made the arguement was considered to be a lunatic......and he turned out to be right? This is only one example as there have been so many people that puit their neck on the line to show people the truth.........I'm sure you can think of a few.... Martin Luther King, Alexander Graham Bell, Einstein, Picasso, Bethoven etc These people went against the grain.........and look where it got them.
I sometimes wonder why someone would take the time to write me a nasty email to say that I appear to be too arrogant. Well maybe they are right....who knows but I read this quote awhile back and I will live by it. " Find a cause or vehicle that interests you and make no apologies" so I am not apologizing for being me.
I know in my heart that IBD's can be overcome as I have seen countless examples of people who were diagnosed with severe IBD's that are living awesome lives. Do not tell yourself this thing is incurable to make yourself feel better or rationalize that it is ok to be sick. I have a few people that email me regularly who have had their colons removed and they are still postive? go figure :) You think these people were not lucky enough to take control of their disease early enough or the decision was not theirs and they had to have their colon removed. The crazy thing is that none of these people feel bad for themselves. They email me saying it is great what I am doing and they encourage me regularly. They also tell me how much they have improved by doing natural treatments, diets etc and how it further improves their health. If people who really have experienced the worst of these disease can be that positive then WTF do some people have nothing better to do but spread pessimistic garbage to people leaving them feeling hopeless.......... I was there and nobody wants to be there. I urge anyone who reads this post to think twice before they tell people how bad this disease is or that there is no cure etc. Instead tell them you know people who have overcome their disease and living better lives than they could have ever imagined.
I will be the first to admit I took my life for granted BUT I learned my lesson and now I LOVE my life more than anything. If anyone reading this ever feels hopeless and maybe needs some help from me to work on a game plan or just to shoot the shit drop me a line and I will do my best to help you out. Remember though I do not like to focus on the problem rather the SOLUTION :)
I am off to my midnight football game :) hopefully all goes well hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Cuba Vacation
I just got back from Cuba within the last few days and I must admit I had an absolute blast. People always seem to ask me why that I like going to Cuba so much and I usually respond to them with a mouthful. I tell them I like it becuase it is relatively inexpensive, the people there are not as materialistic as back home, and the beaches are completely kick ass.
When I am in Cuba I never think about cars, plasma tvs, cash etc. It seems that in most of North America we dwell on materialistic items and forget to realize what is really important....such as experiencing new things, people, relationships, experiences, friendships, and helping out others. Everytime I goto Cuba it takes me back to what is really important and I come back refreshed and more focused.
For 1 weeks my friends and I made full use of the beach and the ocean with a min of 4 hrs a day. We also partied our brains out 5 of the 7 nights there which consisted of drinking and dancing until 4am. I have found since I stopped drinking over a year ago I can still have ablast without consuming a drop of alcohol. I do miss getting the odd buzz from soe wine or whisky but I love feeling awesome everyday so there is nothing to complain about. In the beginning I use to think about what I was giving up rather than what I was getting. You will be amazed at how good you feel when you start looking at things from a positive perpective instead of a pessimistic lame ass!
My dream is to one day have an ocean shack which I call home 3 months every winter. Some people want to have all the assets in the world but to me one day having a great family, awesome friends, heling others, and my ocean shack will make me feel crazy sucessful. Different strokes for different folks but thats my dream and I will chase it until I am nolonger capable of doing so.
The only limitations we have are the ones we put on ourselves......really think about this.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Geoff Slater-Amazing Crohn's Disease recovery story!!!

I have just recently started talking to Geoff within the last few weeks and I was very inspired by his story and the stuff he has went through. I actually had the honor of speaking with him on the telephone for about an hour last friday and must admit this is a cool dude. I was speaking with him while he was on his yearly vacation in Florida with his family I was actually pretty jealous he was talking to me and could see the ocean at the same time...lucky guy. I asked Geoff if he could write his story down so that people could read it as I believe it would really be quite inspiring so please take the time to read this dudes awesome story!
I am a Canadian artist who created a style of painting never before seen in the world. It is called Line Painting, and if art is your thing, give it a Google. In the ‘art scene’, it is what I am known for. I also paint public murals in my hometown of St Andrews, and along with my wife, Canadian artist Andrea Mulder-Slater, have a successful studio and gallery on the Bay of Fundy called Jarea Art Studio. We now have a 4-month-old daughter named Jannique.
For balance, I love sports, and am super-active at many levels within my community. My favorite personal pastime these days is mountain biking. I am now riding at the expert-class level, and train about 15 hrs a week to maintain that level of fitness.
If I sound like I’m bragging a bit, I am. I’m proud of my accomplishments, and love my family, and the lifestyle we have created for ourselves.
That is why when I found out I had Crohn’s, I thought my life was over.
I am 39 years old and was diagnosed with Crohn’s in 2004. I became very sick very suddenly, although, looking back, for years prior to my diagnosis, I was “not quite right”.My first Crohn's symptoms began with a tooth problem. An abscess tooth led to large doses of antibiotics. I had no idea how harmful this was to my intestinal flora. It wasn't long before I had a food poisoning, and my imbalance was complete; I was in the vicious cycle. It came and went mildly, at first, but after half a year of on again, off again symptoms, I went for a colonoscopy. I was told I had Crohn's. I am an active, athletic guy, so when I was diagnosed, and told there was no cure, I really felt it was a death sentence.
In the beginning, I followed the advice of my doctors. I ended up on heavier and heavier doses of medication, including immunosuppressants, and became sicker and sicker. My wife searched frantically for any information she could find about the disease. She heard an interview with Lucy Rossett who claimed to have cured herself by following a diet called the specific carbohydrate diet.
My wife tracked down Lucy online and called her to speak with her. She also tracked down Elaine Gottschall and phoned her. Both women told my wife that I could be cured. Although the doctors told me (over and over again) that my illness had nothing to do with diet, these two women insisted that it did. The premise is that Crohn’s sufferers have an imbalance of intestinal flora and by removing foods that feed “bad” bacteria; you can heal your gut.
All of this convinced me to try the diet and it literally saved my life. I haven’t had a flare since August 2006. I consider myself cured – which is amazing considering how sick I was. When I was sick I experienced extreme weight loss (20 –40 pounds each flare), extreme arthritic pain, anal fissures, an anal fistula, cramping and diarrhea (up to 20 times a day). I experienced 4 bad flares after finding out I had Crohn's, and all of them happened after having my teeth cleaned at the dentist. Considering how things began for me ( with an abscess tooth ), this was no coincidence. I cut out all dental visits.
However, today I am the healthiest I have ever been ( and my teeth have never been better!)
The diet does take time and there were definitely set-backs along the way. For me, sometimes it was very difficult to continue on the diet. I had to be rushed to the hospital twice within the first year of being on the SCD—once for an anal fistula ( with life-threatening infection), and again for arthritic pain throughout my body so severe, I could not breath. Through both hospital visits, Andrea brought SCD food from home, so I could maintain the diet. Her love and support made a huge difference.
I also had to slowly reduce all the medication the doctors had me on; you can’t just stop that sort of thing.
Doctors had me on:
4000 mg of Salofalk per day
40-60mg of prednisone per day
Imuran (various doses at different times)
Flagyl (various doses at different times)
Keflex (various doses at different times)
Cipro (various doses at different times)
Antispasmodic meds (various doses at different times)
9mg Entocort per day
Morphine (various doses at different times)
Today, I’m medication free. Also, my fistula has healed—completely. Even the surgeon is amazed.
Many people were very encouraging to me when we started out on this. One of those people was Elaine herself. She told me that if I had some sort of relief within the first month of starting the diet, then the diet would work for me .She said that if the diarrhea and cramping became less, those were the small signs to look for. It is not uncommon for there to be some complications during the initial die off of bacteria. Also, many people experience a nasty set-back (another bacteria die off) at the 3 to 4 month stage. I did. This often discourages people but if they stick with the diet things will improve.
This is the advice Elaine gave me before she passed away:
1.If you do the SCD, do it completely. Do not stray, no matter what.
2.If you experience success on the SCD during the first few weeks, then it will work for you. Be patient.
3.Expect setbacks during the healing process. Healing takes time. Do not be discouraged.
4.If you eat foods that aggravate – then do not eat them, even if they are “legal”.
5.If you require medical intervention, then take it. (my anal fistula, for instance).
6.Sometimes you will require heavier forms of medication to pull you out of a flare.
7.Don’t throw away your medication until you are well on the way to healing.
8.Have patience, it will get better.
I have been symptom free for 2 years now, and considered myself cured. Many great things have happened since finding the SCD. The greatest, of course, is the new addition to my family, Jannique. Andrea and I have been married for 11 years and have always wanted a child. Despite our “best efforts”, we just didn’t think it was something that would happen for us. Turns out, as soon I got well, Andrea was pregnant! This I attribute solely to the SCD.
I have never been more productive artistically. The clarity with which by mind and body are functioning is nothing short of amazing. In the last couple of years I have created many world-class murals in St Andrews NB, including a historic representation of our town’s waterfront 100 years ago that is the centerpiece of the town. Also, I created a large Line Painting exhibition called Coast Lines, shown at the Saint John Arts Centre. On top of that, I create work every year for our gallery, Jarea Art Gallery and Studio. I also am an art instructor at Sunbury Shores Art And Nature Centre.
Athletically, I have never been stronger. The anti-inflammatory nature of the SCD allows me to recover from hard efforts quicker that ever before, and the nutrition the body receives from a well-balanced SCD diet is second-to-none. Many athletes, seeing the results I’ve had, have taken up SCD for its recuperative health benefits; athletes that think I have an edge over them being on the diet.( how about that!!) A bike shop in Florida is even looking into starting a SCD friendly restaurant attached to the shop, so riders can get healthy, anti-inflammatory meals.
My goals at this point are simple. I want to live a long, productive, and healthy life. I want to exist at as high a level athletically as I can, for as long as I can. Thanks to the SCD, I’m on that path. Had I not got sick when I did, who knows what illness may have fallen on my lap, eating a diet high in refined wheat, sugar and processed crap. Both my father, and my father’s brother died of renal cancer (at 39 and 45 years of age respectively), as a direct result of what they exposed themselves to, both internally and externally. Could this have been my fate as well? You bet it could have. I was on that path. Getting Crohn’s forced me to take my health into my own hands. It went from the abstract to reality. I know more about my body, and what I put in it than I ever would have had I not been sick, and in a strange but very real way, I’m thankful for it.
I am also now a fantastic cook!
I plan on introducing more complex carbs in a few months, like whole grain rice, and potatoes. I’ll see how that goes. I’ll never return to a diet high in refined grains and sugars and processed foods. My reasons are simple: since my little brush with mortality, I now realize how precious life is, that I only have this 1 body; one kick at the can – so to speak! I think my daughter and wife deserve to have me around awhile longer yet!
Geoff Slater
**Please take the time to check out Geoff's BLOG if you get a chance as he has some really great info on there.
Friday, February 13, 2009
SCD Bifidus & Aloe Vera being Illegal List Response

I read your post and must say I do agree with many points that you make but I would like to also make people think about the other side of things as well. I think whenever we are doing something you can't just look at something one way. I have spoke with people who knew Elaine and they told me that she was always updating her information and trying to make it better. I also believe that such things like Bifidus and Aloe may have not been completely understood.
Bifidus:You go into some pretty crazy scientific context which many of us do not understand and does not make it more correct, but many points are relevant. On the other hand you do not speak of how Bifidus is the dominant bacteria in the large intestine in healthy people..? Perhaps most of the genus or species that are used in these yogurt starters are danger for people who are on SCD. I read about people that went into flares after they tried Bifidus and as soon as they stopped it went away. Who is to say that when they introduced this new bacteria their body started to go into a detox and go into something called a Herxeimer effect which is a rapid drastic die off which feels very much like a flare. I have experienced this myself personally after doing a probiotic enema. I was very scared to try Bifidus as I read what everyone was writing so I started doing research and I found a book called PROBIOTICS: NATURE’S INTERNAL HEALERS by Natasha Trenev -she is the owner of Natren probiotics and her family has 500+ of years in yogurt experience and probiotics. After reading this book I believed that maybe everything I understood about Bifidus may be incorrect as I was only basing it upon SCD literature not my own research. I spoke with someone else who also helps people with IBD's and she advised me she had been consuming Natren pro-biotics and she is med free symptom free and so were many of the people that she guided and they all consumed 3 probiotics strains from Natren including Bifidus for 10+ years and also took Georges always active Aloe vera Juice. So I decided I would give it a try as well Needless to say I have been taking the Probiotics for 6 months with no ill effect and noticing that I felt EVEN BETTER as I gave my gut another bacteria which I believed it needed. So I do hope AJ that maybe you can read Natashas book and maybe help provide a reason to why many people have benefited greatly with IBD's have benefited from the strains or genus that Natren offers. to be honest I am person driven by results not scientific theory or assumptions. I believe that the Bifidus issue was a grey area which was not fully investigated or may have been a direct result of bad quality strains that are available in these commercial products. I guess if 5 people who felt daring decided to try this stuff out at their risk and ended up feeling great we may need to investigate further and openly say that the book may have been wrong? everyone makes they not?
**I went into a bad flare when I was in Hawaii which lasted for 10 days it was most likely due to me over induldging in 4 oranges, 5+ glasses of wine, banana, some other fruit etc in one day- YES I was an idiot and it was my fault lol I believe this through the bacteria balance completely off track. I suffered crazy bloating and pains without being able to pass gas this brought me to my knees the pain was so intense! I suffered for 10+ days then I decided I was going to try a probiotic enema. To keep the story simple I did it and it included Bifidus! My flare went a way by the next day.....I felt almost 100% 2 days after the enema. After discussing this with a mentor she told me that this was very more about my enema experience: I wish I would have tried this the first time I would have experienced a flare as I believe I could have ended it pretty quick. If I would have stuck to my legal list I would be in rough shape at this very moment. I looked at it like this it has worked for many people before so maybe it will work for me, I followed my heart and the fact there was proof it worked for other people and thats all I needed. We do not always need to know WHY it works but rather that it does.
Georges Aloe Vera- this product is very different than most products here are some reasons why?
Why isn't George's Aloe Vera thick and greenish in color? Why doesn't it have that bitter taste most other Aloe Vera products have?
The thick greenish substance just beneath the rind in the latex layer of the plant is where the aloins and anthraqinones are located. These substances are irritants and when ingested can cause cramping and diarrhea and in some cases nausea. George's Aloe is a refined product. We remove the antagonistic compounds that cause the bitter taste and irritation to the GI tract.
Maybe this product in its form was not considered or researched by Elaine?? it's possible but does that mean that it really means that it may not be beneficial to people with IBD's? I believe this is a prime example how something was not fully understood and may have been omitted.
I also took this product its looks and tasted like water and I noticed no issues I took 1/4 cup a day in the morning and before bed on an empty stomach. The results were amazing! I noticed that my intestines which hurt for the longest time felt like scratching when food went down started disappearing I felt a soothing sensation and within 2 months my intestines nolonger hurt, my illeum also felt better not sore like it use to. I think any person who has an IBD would want to try 2 gallons of the stuff and make your own decision, The book does not look at how to aid the healing of the mucosal lining and intestines but this product does just that.
I want everyone reading this list to think to yourselves? Remember Elaine gave her life to this book and researched all the time, she updated this list as the years went on and now that she has passed away who will do it. Does this not mean that there is more research required or things that will help you greatly in your healing paths?? We must realize there is a gap growing since she has passed away and people still require information to improve and advance on a daily basis. I encourage you to keep your mind open and dont just be confined to the context of the book because is Elaine would have been alive for the last 5 years you can bet that there would a few additions to the book or her website...............
**Another thing** When Elaine wrote this book she did not expect people to be on this diet for their entire life, read page 70 of the book and you will see that. She does not hope that anyone who recovers from their illness will ever go back to a diet high in refined sugars and refined flours. The godmother of SCD ELaine took her own daughter off this diet when she believed it was the right time. I believe passionately that the intent of this book is to heal people. Many people who go on SCD and get their health back for sustained times 5+ years never get off the diet becuase they are too scared and there are quite of few people who are in this position.....I understand the diet is great and healthy but how does that help prove that the diet CURES Ibd's???? How many people have actually returned to normal diets? I have heard of less than a handful? This should be discussed as it is very relevant and revealing that more research and other things can make this diet more effective. Of course we are managing our disease as we can live med free but to be ultimately cured is to be able to go back to diet which will include some illegals etc and I know I want to be CURED not just managing my symptoms very effectively. I will do this one way or another mark my word.
I just get very bothered when I think people are stuck believing in something that is not perfect and I believe in my heart there many ways which we can increase the effectiveness of this diet and the end result of being cured. Just because the book is finished doesnt mean their is still so many things that can help us. There are always two sides to almost every story you can provide argument for and against.....its healthy to try doing both and you will get a different outlook on things give it a try
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Flare update-Tried Jini's Pro-Biotic Retention Enema

Well I will admit this was quite a weird experience as I never thought in my life that I would be given myself an
If you have read my last post you will see that while I was in Hawaii I went into some kind of flare which just consisted of very bad bloating and cramps but like so bad that they almost put me onto my knees many time over the last 2 weeks so not very fun. Over the past few days I was thinking a lot about what might be going on and I realized the flare was probably a result of eating way too many fruits, drinking wine etc lots of sugars that the bacteria, yeasts, pathogens etc had suddenly had a growing frenzy. I realized I had to change this balance fast or I was in for another few weeks of feeling completely shitty. I decided I was going to try the probiotic retention enema for sure. I bought the stuff to do it a few months ago but I never went through with it until now when I really needed to change my approach up.
I first did 2 warm water enemas which were about 2 cups of warm water cleaning out my colon which were not that fun as i felt urgence to get to the toilet lol the 3rd enema was 1 cup with Natren probiotics as mentioned in Jini Patels website or in her book Listen to your Gut. I did the 3rd enema and put on a movie Lakeview Terrace and relaxed for 2 hours lol I did as the book states to roll from side to side and massage your stomach etc. I had no problem with urgence retaining the formula for 2 hours and once the movie was done there was no liquid and I had no urgence at all.
I did the enema early during the day around 3pm-5pmish. I decided to go out with my friends for a bit around 10pm and I had yet to see any dramtic results from the enema but I was noticing that I felt so tired I could barely keep my eyes open not sure if that was because I was sleep deprived the last few days or the fact that my body was in overdrive trying to fight in my stomach. When I got home I was feeling pretty crappy and was still very bloated and cramps were very frequent I attemped to goto sleep on my back as it hurt too much to sleep any other way. I woke up with a crazy urge to use the I got up and dashed for the toilet I barely made it lmao when I got there Liquid D and I was on the can for like 15 min stead lol. I went back to bed and throughout the night I went a few more times. In the morning I went again a few more times which were still D but I noticed the bloating was pretty much gone, and the cramps were very minimal.
I think the probiotics killed lots of the bad bacteria in my stomach and the D was a flush of all the toxins and stuff that my body desperately needed to flush out. During the day I was starting to feel a lot better, I was consuming Georges aloe vera to help heal my stomach and comfort it and i could feel it soothing the lining of my intestines etc. I was not eating barely anything as I really wanted to give my gut a chance to relax for a bit, I still took my vitamins but crushed them into powder to absorb better. Towards the end of the day I was feeling a lot better!!! my sexy girlfriend lol even could tell I looked better and my stomach wasnt a hard rock anymore so she was happy because she said she doesnt like to see me in pain......she's a keeper this one :) I also consumed some fresh goats yogurt which I had just finished making and let it cool for 8 hours thought if I ate it right before bed it would give the bacteria a lot of time to flourish and repopulate while I was sleeping. I also took 3 capsules of Mucosa Heal which I emptied into water and drank the contents I will continue to do this for about 1 month to really give my gut a good chance to heal.
I woke up this morning feeling pretty awesome! had a small formed BM, no pain no bloating, the tenderness is very minor-I think my body needs a good few days of rest. I can say with with a lot of confidence that I will be back to tip top shape within a few weeks!! so that kicks ass!! I can't believe how much of a difference that PBR enema made, and I think if more people tried this right from the begininning including myself we would take control of our diseases a lot faster than you can imagine. This method is awesome for getting the bacteria right into your colon etc.
So to tell you the truth it sucked being sick for the last 2 weeks especially while I was in Hawaii. When I look back at it now I am almost grateful for being sick as it has taught me a lot in the process. I have learned that when I feel awesome and other people are doing shitty I really have to remember how I felt when I was in their shoes-feeling depressed, hopeless, insecure etc and I have to be able to communicate effectively that they will overcome this and that stuff will be lost in the process. I also realized life has a great way of humbling you from time to time even if it came in the form of a flare lol I realize you really have to soak up the GOOD TIMES and enjoy them!! Sunshine is always awesome and appreciated the day after the storm.....simply said.
Most of all I learned how powerful that Retention Enema is!! I truly believe that this is an awesome weapon that we can use to get healthy and give our body good chance to get to a point when it is able to start healing effectively. I know for many people especially the people who are on SCD they may not consider this an option (because of Bifidus) but if you are flaring really what do you have to loose, but absolutely everything to gain. If you want more information on this please read Jini's book Listen to your gut or check out her site
This was not hard at all to do :) If you decide you want to do this you can get the probiotics from or oder them from your local health store. If they dont carry them they will most likely be able to order them in for you as this will be a lot cheaper then ordering them from Jinis site due. Only the Natren products are expensive from her site b/c they must be shipped on ice and express post which costed me like 100.00 which was crazy also if you are in the US this may not be quite as expensive. Your best bet for the Natren products would be to goto your local health store and ask them to bring these products in for you and they will be very reasonably priced, this is what I did as well.
If you have any questions drop me a line
Now feeling Awesome-Jay
**also people I will be the first to admit that while we are on this healing journey as lame way to put it lol we are going to encounter setbacks along the way and I think the truth about natural healing is that sometimes you have to take a few steps back to proceed a few steps further....maybe you just have to back the car up to take another road who knows lol Personally I have hit speedbumps along the way but every time I have got through them and felt even better after I overcome them and I believe this is normal and actually very good. My last issue was probably the result of my own negligence overdoing the fruit and wine so I will take the blame card on that one but I am dusting myself off and trying again as that is what I do. I am back to feeling awesome and will be a little more intuned with my body and what I should and should't do lol thanks for tuning in
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Hawaii trip and flare! Lol
I decided I was going to visit someone who has assisted me in my healing path. I came to kona for 8 days and I'm waiting to board the plane to come back home so I thought I would make and entry talking about my stay.
When I first got to kona I was amazed how beautiful it was! I have never seen a place so colorful in my entire life, it is almost sureal. I came here to learn some stuff about healing from an scd mentor and boy did I ever. The first day I was here I woke up at 4am and went to meet my frient morts doctor who is a professional chelator. Chelation is a process which the hook you up to an IV and put a chemical agent into your body along with vitamins etc the purpose of the process is to pull out toxins, and metals from many enviromental factors such as led, mercury, and other things that are in your body and tissues. My first treatment went pretty good. I noticed that my circulation had improved quite a bit and my mind felt very clear. After chelation we drove back to my friends orchard and picked some oranges and work around the house. I got to drive a tractor and learn how to pick fresh oranges from the trees actually pretty tricky, I learned a lot.
Since being in hawaii I was eating a lot more scd foods that I normally don't eat such as beans, oranges, scd legal wine, cabbage, mangos, passion fruit, etc. Usually I do not have an extensive diet because I am so busy I keep it simple. I was amazed to see how well mort ate! Our dinners were like 4 courses and were amazing! I never imagined scd could be made so delicious, my mistake. Mort told me that if he has to do scd he has to make excellent tasting food until he is cured and he sure knows how to!
On the second day there I ate a lot of fruit, multiple oranges, papaya, tangelo, and I noticed midway through the day that my stomach began to get really bloated and towards the end of the night felt like it was going to explode. After taking a hot bath I was able to sleep for a few hours. When I woke up in the morning I began to have multiple bm's about 4-5 all formed lol I still had the solid belly and was experiencing quite a bit of pain so the clearing of my bowel confirmed that I was indeed having a flare. When I realized this it pissed me off a lot! I was thinking to myself I came this far and I just screwed it all up, I was just over thinking the worst. Over the next 2 days I continued to have stomach pains but not quite as severe as the initial day. I also had been unable to goto the can for a full 2 days and felt like garbage! But not be a total downer I seen that I was improving day by day. I had slept almost 2 days all day each day lol never slept so much in my life. By the 3rd day I was thinking a little clearer and started thinking that this may have been a flare but there was something very different about this case to how I felt when I had bad crohns flares.
Usual flare- excessive painful, mucus/blood filled bowel movements 10+ a day easy, bad Night sweats, intense bloating, quite a bit of mucus, lots of urgence, very dehydrated-dry mouth and all, lots of pain even in stomach could barely walk, atleast a week of feeling like complete shit consistently.
This flare- minimal bm, d about 2 times a day after 3rd day, intense bloating was main issue! Some tenderness in stomach.
When I started plotting this info out it seemed that maybe this wasn't a typical flare and that it may even be a detox reaction to the chelation and the new vitamins and minerals I was experimenting with. It is hard to be specific or speculate but I have to try. I learned one thing which I tell everyone else to do but failed to take my own advice! Take new things slow! I was a fool for this and that I admit.
Regardless I knew this time was different! I am not quite sure what happened but I'm sure in 30 days or so I will prob have a better explanation.
As of right now I feel a lot better than I did 6 days ago lol stomach is feeling better and I believe it is now time to repair any damage that may have been done. Symptoms are pretty much tender intestines, a few UF bms daily, nothing crazy. Nobody said all this healing stuff was going to be easy lol sometimes natural healing can take you back a few steps before taking you forward but ultimately I am on the road to completely overcome this and inform as many people as I can. Anyone reading this do not let minor setbacks stress you out too much- I know easier said than done but believe me it is very common to have setbacks during this process so don't give up!
Also I learned something else that I think is important for anyone to hear. I think most people who are on scd think they are sacraficing so much and may at sometimes even resent the diet, atleast I may have felt this once or twice...... Lol we are always thinking about a time when we will be able to get off the diet like we are in some rush or something. After staying at morts house I experienced how this diet could be so awesome you could care less if you were on the diet for life! Healthy, no meds and awesome food I can hack that! Our food consisted of fresh fruits, excellent omelletes, scd legal tacos, cooked cabbage, pumkin, scd candy- nuts, honey etc, other baked goods that we're just excellent. For me the foods were amazing and delicious! I could easily stay on the diet for my whole life if that was the verdict. I am very confident that I will advance to a new diet in the next few years
I will be back with an update in about 1 month! Stay tuned ;)
Grab your health back by the balls
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Has Even One Disease Actually Been Cured?

I really want you to think about this question and see if you can actually find a disease that has been cured. Smallpox and Polio have been eradicated by the use of vaccinations but the vaccinations did not cure anyone who was initially infected with the disease? It has been almost 30 years since the AIDS pandemic and there is still no cure, Parkinson, Alzheimer’s, Muscular Dystrophy, Crohn’s disease, and many others, even the common cold still has no cure?
I can not personally think of one disease or condition that has actually been cured.
We constantly get caught up in all the causes and foundations which state they are raising money for the search for a cure..? Imagine all the money these foundations, etc raise in order to search for this so called “cure” when you the research you will see that the contribution amounts in the Billions a year, that’s insane. Yet it seems like we have not made any more advancement towards cures in almost any disease. I think if they have been trying so hard and for so long to find cures and they are not getting anywhere it is time to change their approach. If you tried to solve a problem for a few years and you were not getting anywhere do you think you might change your approach? If this money was coming from shareholders of a company they would hold the company accountable for not producing sufficient results and they would not continue to put up the cash on these terms. Yet these foundations, research grants etc get increased every year without yielding any spectacular breakthroughs. We are all so busy in our lives to pay attention to what is really happening right in front of our own eyes…….
Do you not think it is crazy that we can walk on the moon, send a robot to mars, clone animals, move faster than the speed of sound, create telescopes that can see in our houses and through walls, talk on the telephone using radio signals, create cars that can drive on electricity, bombs that can eliminate a nation at the click of a button, create computers once the size of whole warehouses that can now fit in the palm of your hand or your cell phone, the world wide web and the list is endless YET we are unable to cure a disease??
When you look at all of these advancements they all have one thing in common that they are all income producing advancements and their contributions will results in huge revenue injections into businesses, economies etc. Almost every technological problem can be fixed with something that costs more money. Do you really think that any free cure or solution to any problem will be advertised or marketed to people?, where would they get the money to do this? If your thinking it will be then please give your head a shake. There is absolutely NO MONEY in free cures or solutions to any problem so do not hold your breath and wait for them to be advertised. If you are waiting for someone else to cure your disease or condition then you will probably die before surfaces. I do not believe in one time cures but if they were to exist they would not be in the best interest of the pharmaceutical companies. Why would they give you a solution that you would be billed once when they can keep you on meds creating instant residual income which will continue to come in until the day that you die.
Imagine if they told everyone the reason they are sick with all kinds of diseases and conditions is directly related to their lifestyles; taking medications, eating garbage -processed foods, junk foods, over eating, high carbohydrate diets, lack of exercise, inhaling pollutants, lack of physical exercise, not drinking enough good water.. If the people actually realized all of this was true and was directly related to our current health situation and decided to change their lifestyle imagine the consequences to the economy. Eventually the amount of sick people would drop 10 fold which would cause a massive loss of jobs in one of the largest sectors of any countries economy. Consumption of junk food, fast food would drastically decrease and think of some of the many Fortune 500 companies that would go belly up? Any names come to mind? I hope you are starting to see that healthier people do not make people money and would lead economies into a crazy downturn spiral worse than anything we have seen to date. On the other hand these people would have to spend way less on medical expenses and eating garbage they would have more disposable income for travel, housing, education etc.
If you do search for people that have been cured of Cancer, Crohn’s disease, or any disease and you search on the back pages of search results you will find people that have overcome incurable diseases. You will find that they are commonly told that they may have been misdiagnosed or perhaps their test results were incorrect etc pretty much an excuse to rationalize why they are an anomaly for overcoming their given disease. Usually when reading or listening to these people’s stories you will see that they dramatically changed their lifestyles and spontaneous healing began to happen. Obviously if you have a disease and you are taking a pill to suppress symptoms and you stop taking it your symptoms will reappear. You never addressed the underlying cause of the problem but you continued to do the things that caused the condition or disease in the first place so you can’t expect to see sustained results. In any basic math problem if 2+2 is always going to equal 4, but if you change the variables the product will ultimately change. If you have a disease or a condition and you change your lifestyle you can be DAMN sure that your condition will improve. Do not let anyone fool you into thinking that you are stuck feeling crappy because that us BULLSHIT.
Jay-aka CrohnsBoy